10 Essential English Collocations with Confidence

In my English conversation classes this week we’ve been talking about confidence and we explored some of the collocations that arise when discussing this topic.

Collocations are pairs or groups of words that frequently occur together, and mastering them can make your English sound more natural and fluent.

By studying collocations, you'll expand your English vocabulary and understand the nuances of word usage. You'll become familiar with the specific words and phrases that often accompany a particular word, which can lead to a richer and more precise vocabulary.

So, in this blog post, let’s look at ten English collocations with the word ‘confidence.’

1. Quiet Confidence:

  • Definition: Quiet confidence refers to a self-assured demeanor that is not showy or boastful.

  • Example: Sarah displayed quiet confidence when she gave her presentation in front of the class.

2. Exude Confidence:

  • Definition: To display or emit a strong, noticeable sense of self-assuredness.

  • Example: James exuded confidence during the job interview, which impressed the interviewers.

3. Self-Confidence:

  • Definition: Belief in oneself and one's abilities, an essential quality for success.

  • Example: Building self-confidence is a key aspect of language learning.

4. Build Confidence:

  • Definition: To gradually increase one's self-assurance and belief in one's abilities.

  • Example: Practicing English regularly can help you build confidence in your speaking skills.

5. Body Confidence:

  • Definition: A positive perception of one's physical appearance and comfort in one's own skin.

  • Example: Developing body confidence can lead to greater overall self-esteem.

6. Confidence is Sky High:

  • Definition: To be exceptionally confident or self-assured.

  • Example: After acing the exam, Emily's confidence was sky high.

7. Shatter One's Confidence:

  • Definition: To severely damage or undermine someone's self-assurance.

  • Example: Repeated failures can shatter one's confidence if not managed effectively.

8. Boost One's Confidence:

  • Definition: To increase or improve one's self-assurance and belief in their abilities.

  • Example: Positive feedback from peers can significantly boost one's confidence.

9. Lack of Confidence:

  • Definition: A state where one lacks belief in their abilities or feels unsure.

  • Example: Maria's lack of confidence in her English speaking abilities held her back from participating in class.

10. Confidence in Someone/Something:

  • Definition: Trust or belief in the abilities or reliability of a person or thing.

  • Example: Having confidence in your teacher can make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

As an English student, incorporating these collocations into your everyday conversations can help you express yourself more naturally and precisely.


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