20 essential English collocations with ‘give’

With definitions and example sentences.

Today we’re going to look at 20 English collocations with the word ‘give’ From giving someone a hand to giving evidence, learning these common collocations will help you to communicate clearly and confidently in English.

1. Give someone a hand Definition: To assist or help someone. Example: Can you give me a hand with these heavy boxes?

2. Give someone a lift Definition: To provide transportation for someone. Example: I'll give you a lift to the station after work.

3. Give off vibes Definition: To emit or project a certain atmosphere. Example: His confident demenor gives off positive vibes.

4. Give someone a call Definition: To contact someone by phone. Example: I'll give you a call later to discuss the project.

5. Give someone a chance Definition: To offer an opportunity to someone. Example: Give her a chance to prove herself; she's capable.

6. Give rise to Definition: To cause or bring about. Example: His actions gave rise to speculation among his peers.

7. Give someone advice Definition: To offer guidance or recommendations. Example: He gave me valuable advice on how to prepare for the interview.

8. Give an opportunity Definition: To provide a chance or opening. Example: The scholarship gave her the opportunity to pursue her studies abroad.

9. Give birth Definition: To deliver a baby. Example: She gave birth to a healthy baby boy last night.

10. Give an answer Definition: To respond or reply. Example: I'm sorry, I can't give you an answer right now; I need more time to think.

11. Give someone a hug Definition: To embrace someone affectionately. Example: Whenever I feel down, my friends always give me a hug.

12. Give a speech Definition: To deliver a formal talk or presentation. Example: She gave an inspiring speech at the conference.

13. Give someone the benefit of the doubt Definition: To believe someone without proof. Example: I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and trust his explanation.

14. Give permission Definition: To allow or authorise. Example: My parents finally gave me permission to go on the trip.

15. Give an explanation Definition: To provide clarification or reasoning. Example: The teacher gave us a thorough explanation of the lesson.

Why is learning collocations important?

Learning collocations is crucial for English learners because it enhances your ability to communicate effectively and naturally. Collocations are word combinations that native speakers frequently use together, and mastering them not only improves vocabulary but also ensures accurate expression of ideas. Understanding and using collocations correctly helps you to avoid common mistakes and sound more fluent, as it reflects the nuances and subtleties of the English language. Moreover, collocations convey specific meanings and contexts that individual words alone might not capture, making them essential for clear and precise communication.

16. Give someone a break Definition: To grant someone leniency or relief. Example: Give her a break; she's been working tirelessly all week.

17. Give evidence Definition: To provide proof or testimony. Example: The witness gave compelling evidence in court.

18. Give something a go Definition: To attempt or try something. Example: I've never surfed before, but I'm willing to give it a go.

19. Give the impression Definition: To convey a certain perception or feeling. Example: His confident demeanor gave the impression that he knew what he was doing.

20. Give priority Definition: To assign importance or precedence. Example: The safety of our employees should be given priority in all decisions.


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