Learn English phrasal verbs for talking about morning routines.

with meanings and example sentences.

Today we’re going to look at some essential English phrasal verbs associated with morning routines providing meanings and example sentences so that you can confidently talk about your morning habits.

To wake up

Meaning: To stop sleeping and become conscious.

Example Sentence: I usually wake up at 7 am every morning, but sometimes I like to sleep in on weekends.

To turn off

Meaning: To stop the operation or activity of something.

Example Sentence: I immediately turn off my alarm or hit the snooze button.

To sleep in

Meaning: To stay in bed and sleep later than usual.

Example Sentence: I love to sleep in on Sundays; it's my favourite way to relax and recharge for the week ahead.

To get up

Meaning: To leave one's bed, especially after waking up.

Example Sentence: Even though I'm not a morning person, I force myself to get up early to have some quiet time before starting my day.

To pick out

Meaning: To choose or select something, typically clothing.

Example Sentence: Every evening, I pick out something to wear depending on whether I'm working from home or going to the office.

To put on

Meaning: To dress oneself in clothing.

Example Sentence: After picking out my clothes, I put on my favourite sweater and jeans for a comfortable day ahead.

To head out

Meaning: To leave or depart from a place.

Example Sentence: Once I've had breakfast, I head out to catch the bus to work, enjoying the fresh morning air.

To drop off

Meaning: To leave someone or something at a particular place.

Example Sentence: On my way to work, I drop off my son at school, ensuring he gets there safely before continuing my journey.

To get on with

Meaning: To proceed with a task or activity; to continue doing something.

Example Sentence: After dropping off my son, I get on with my work, knowing that I've completed my morning responsibilities.

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