English Phrases and Expressions - To put someone on the spot

The English idiomatic expression ‘to put someone on the spot’ means to put someone in an uncomfortable or difficult situation by putting them under sudden pressure to respond, answer, or make a decision. It often creates discomfort, awkwardness or embarrassment for the person being put on the spot.


  1. The interviewer put the job candidate on the spot by asking a surprise question about their weaknesses.

  2. The teacher put the student on the spot by calling on them to answer a question in front of the class without any warning.

  3. During a meeting, the boss put the team on the spot by asking for a detailed report on the project's progress, even though they were not prepared.

To put someone on the spot idiom
To put someone on the spot example
To put someone on the spot expression
To put someone on the spot phrase

Phrasal verbs for talking about music.


English idiom - to spill the tea.