English collocations with future

Are you ready to future-proof your English? Today, we're looking at collocations with the word ‘future,’ essential phrases that will make your English sound more natural and fluent.

Why learn collocations?

Studying common collocations is a valuable investment in your English learning journey. It goes beyond memorising individual words and fosters a deeper understanding of how words work together in the language. As you integrate collocations into your conversations, you'll find that your fluency and confidence improves, leading to more effective communication.

The Foreseeable Future

Definition: The period of time that is expected or likely to happen in the future.

Example: In the foreseeable future, advancements in technology will revolutionise the way we live.

Future Outlook:

Definition: The expected future state or condition.

Example: Despite current challenges, there is a positive future outlook for sustainable energy solutions.

Embrace the Future

Definition: To accept and welcome the changes and opportunities that the future holds.

Example: As an ESL student, it's crucial to embrace the future by continually expanding your language skills.

Future Generations

Definition: The people who will be born and live in the future.

Example: It is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.

Future Trends

Definition: Patterns or directions in which events or situations are developing in the future.

Example: Staying informed about future trends in the job market is essential for career planning.

Predict the Future

Definition: To forecast or estimate what will happen in the future.

Example: Economists use various indicators to predict the future of financial markets.

Look into the Future

Definition: To think about or consider what will happen in the future.

Example: Successful individuals often look into the future and set clear goals for themselves.

A Bright Future

Definition: A positive and promising future.

Example: Investing in education can lead to a bright future full of opportunities.

Future Developments

Definition: Changes or advancements that are expected to happen in the future.

Example: Keeping up with technological trends is crucial for staying informed about future developments.

Shape the Future

Definition: To have an influence on how the future will develop.

Example: Innovative ideas and sustainable practices can help shape the future of our planet.

Future Challenges

Definition: Difficulties or problems that are expected to arise in the future.

Example: Preparing for future challenges requires adaptability and resilience.

Future Outlook

Definition: The expected future state or condition.

Example: Despite current challenges, there is a positive future outlook for sustainable energy solutions.

Invest in the Future

Definition: To allocate resources or effort towards long-term benefits.

Example: Education is a powerful way to invest in the future, opening doors to numerous opportunities.


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