Goodbye 2023, hello 2024. English phrasal verbs for the end of the year.

As we say goodbye to 2023, it's time to reflect on the past 12 months and set the stage for the upcoming year. English phrasal verbs offer a dynamic way to express our experiences, achievements, and aspirations. In this post, we'll explore 10 phrasal verbs that assist us in talking about the year gone by and help us articulate our plans for the future.

To Set Out

Definition - To begin a journey or a course of action with a specific purpose or goal in mind. It implies a deliberate and purposeful start to something.

As the year began, we set out on a journey filled with dreams and aspirations. It's a verb that embodies the courage and determination with which we embarked on our endeavors.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to set out

To Reflect On

Definition -To think deeply or carefully about something, often one's own experiences, thoughts, or actions. Reflection involves introspection and the examination of past events.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on the challenges we faced, the lessons we learned, and the growth we experienced. Reflecting on the past allows us to gain insights that can shape our future endeavors.

English phrasal verbs for new year- to reflect on

To Carry Forward

Definition - To continue or take with you the positive aspects, lessons, or achievements from a previous situation or time period into the future.

Some accomplishments are too precious to leave behind. We carry forward the successes and positive moments of the year, using them as stepping stones for what lies ahead.

English phrasal verbs for new year- to carry forward

To Keep On (Doing Something)

Definition - To persist or continue doing something without giving up, even in the face of challenges or difficulties. It emphasizes perseverance and tenacity.

Whether it's a hobby, a project, or a personal goal, the ability to keep on doing something showcases resilience and dedication. It's a verb that embodies perseverance in the face of adversity.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to keep on

To Give Up (Something)

Definition - To stop doing or using something, often a habit or behaviour, voluntarily. It implies a conscious decision to discontinue a particular action.

Not every aspect of the past year may have been beneficial. Sometimes, it's necessary to give up certain habits or mindsets that hinder personal growth, making room for positive change.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to give up

To Look Back On

Definition - To review or reminisce about past events, experiences, or memories. This phrasal verb involves taking a retrospective view of one's personal history.

Take a moment to look back on the significant events and milestones of the past year. This phrasal verb allows us to appreciate our journey and acknowledge the achievements that may have gone unnoticed.

To Cut Down On (Something)

Definition - To reduce the quantity or frequency of something, typically used in the context of habits or activities that may have negative effects on health or well-being.

Perhaps in 2023, there were aspects of our lives that needed moderation. Cutting down on certain activities or behaviours can pave the way for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

English phrasal verbs for new year- to cut down on

To Look After (Something or Someone)

Definition - To take care of or be responsible for the well-being of something or someone. It implies providing attention, support, or protection.

As we plan for the future, it's crucial to consider what we want to look after – be it our well-being, relationships, or personal goals. This phrasal verb emphasizes the importance of nurturing and protecting what matters most.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to look after

To Stick To

Definition - To adhere to or follow through with a plan, decision, or commitment. It suggests a level of discipline and dedication to achieving a particular goal.

Resolutions and goals often fall by the wayside, but the ability to stick to our plans is a testament to our commitment. Whether it's a fitness routine or a career goal, sticking to our objectives ensures progress.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to stick to

To Take Up (Something)

Definition - To begin or start a new activity, hobby, or challenge. It indicates a willingness to engage in something that is often perceived as novel or different

Looking ahead, we might want to take up new challenges or hobbies. This phrasal verb signifies the initiation of something new and a commitment to broadening our horizons in the coming year.

English phrasal verbs for new year - to take up

So there you have it, 10 phrasal verbs to help you say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024 with open arms (and a killer vocabulary). Let's make the next year one for the books – filled with action, reflection, and learning new stuff!

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