Learn English phrasal verbs with fall with meanings and examples

Today, we’re going to look at phrasal verbs centred around the word ‘fall’ that will enrich your English vocabulary and help you navigate everyday English conversations with ease.

As you most likely know, phrasal verbs are incredibly common in everyday English language, making up a significant portion of colloquial speech and informal writing. By learning and incorporating them into your active daily English you will be using language that reflects how native speakers communicate in real-life situations.

To fall back on:

  • Meaning: To rely on something for support or help when other plans or options fail.

  • Example: When my original career plan didn't work out, I fell back on my graphic design skills to freelance.

English phrasal verb fall back on

To fall into:

  • Meaning: To begin doing something by chance or without planning.

  • Example: After graduation, she fell into a routine of studying and working part-time.

English phrasal verb fall into

To fall off:

  • Meaning: To fall to the ground from something such as a bike or chair, especially after losing one’s balance

  • Example: He lost his balance and fell off the chair.

English phrasal verb fall off

To fall over:

  • Meaning: To lose one's balance and collapse.

  • Example: The toddler tripped over her toys and fell over, but she wasn't hurt.

English phrasal verb fall over

To fall out with:

  • Definition: To have a disagreement or argument with someone and stop being friends or friendly with them.

  • Example: Sarah fell out with her colleague after a misunderstanding about the project deadline.

English phrasal verb fall out with

To fall through:

  • Meaning: To fail to happen or be completed as planned.

  • Example: Our plans for a weekend getaway fell through due to bad weather.

English phrasal verb fall through

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To fall for:

  • Meaning: To become attracted to somebody.

  • Example: After a few wonderful dates, Ben realised that he was falling for Rosie.

English phrasal verb fall for

To fall out:

  • Meaning: To become detached and drop out.

  • Example: Shortly after starting a new medication, she was distressed to discover that her hair was falling out.

English phrasal verb fall out

To fall behind:

  • Meaning: To fail to keep up with something, usually a schedule or pace.

  • Example: If you miss too many classes, you'll start to fall behind in your studies.

English phrasal verb fall behind

To fall apart:

  • Meaning: To break into pieces or fail completely.

  • Example: The old car began to fall apart after years of neglect.

English phrasal verb fall apart

These phrasal verbs offer nuanced ways to express a variety of situations and emotions, making your English speech more dynamic and engaging. Incorporating them into your vocabulary will not only enhance your communication skills but also deepen your understanding of the English language.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Take the time to integrate these phrasal verbs into your daily conversations and written communication. With dedication and perseverance, you'll soon find yourself effortlessly incorporating them into your English repertoire.


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