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Talking about expectation in English.
This week in one of my English conversation classes we listened to an episode of David Robson’s The Expectation Effect on BBC Radio 4 exploring how our expectations can effect our health, happiness and productivity.
Students discussed some of the issues raised Robson’s book, looking at the language we use to talk about expectations. They also talked about the expectations placed on them by family, friends and society as well as exploring the expectations that they place on themselves in their personal and professional lives. I’ve listed some of the vocabulary elicited from our conversations below.

Atomic Habits for learning English
This week, in classes and on social channels we’ve been looking at the subject of habits. In conversations a few students have mentioned the importance of James Clear’s groundbreaking book, Atomic Habits.
So, what’s all the fuss about?
Talking about books and reading in English.
Are you a bibliophile, a bookworm or an avid reader?
Whether you’re talking about your favourite piece of literature in your IELTs speaking test or just recommending a novel to a friend, this article aims to provide you with some of the vocabulary and expressions that will come in useful for talking about reading and books in English.

July - English Book of the Month
I first heard about this book when listening to a BBC Radio 4 programme called Word of Mouth which is a series exploring the world of words and the ways in which we use them.