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Talking about resilience in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about resilience in English.

Just like in life, language learning is fraught with obstacles – whether it's mastering complex grammar rules, overcoming pronunciation challenges, or facing moments of self-doubt. However, by embracing the spirit of resilience, learners can transform setbacks into stepping stones towards linguistic proficiency.

Let’s look at some of the language we can use to talk about resilience, specifically in your English learning journey.

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Talking about mindset when learning English as a second  language
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about mindset when learning English as a second language

Embrace a growth mindset - One of the fundamental principles of successful language learning is having a growth mindset. Instead of viewing language proficiency as a fixed trait, people with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through determination, dedication, commitment and curiosity.

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