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Learn English vocabulary for talking about rest and relaxation.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English vocabulary for talking about rest and relaxation.

Are you always ‘rushed off your feet?’ (very busy)

Life can be hectic and sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down, recharge your batteries and get some rest. Today we’re looking at some English vocabulary you can use for talking about relaxation, including meanings and example sentences.

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Learn English for talking about persuasion.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English for talking about persuasion.

This week in one of my English conversation classes a student was talking about a book they had recently read called Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini. During the class we explored some of the language that can be used for talking about talking about persuasion in English, including vocabulary, idioms and phrases.

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Talking about resilience in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about resilience in English.

Just like in life, language learning is fraught with obstacles – whether it's mastering complex grammar rules, overcoming pronunciation challenges, or facing moments of self-doubt. However, by embracing the spirit of resilience, learners can transform setbacks into stepping stones towards linguistic proficiency.

Let’s look at some of the language we can use to talk about resilience, specifically in your English learning journey.

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Learn English expressions for talking about uncertainty.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English expressions for talking about uncertainty.

it’s not unusual to find ourselves in a position where we don’t know what is going to happen next. Nothing is ever completely certain in either our professional or personal lives or even on a global scale.

In this blog post, we'll explore five essential English expressions to help you talk about and understand conversations about uncertainty. Imagine how you could apply each of the following expressions to your own experiences and try to incorporate it into a sentence.

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Talking about expectation in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about expectation in English.

This week in one of my English conversation classes we listened to an episode of David Robson’s The Expectation Effect  on BBC Radio 4 exploring how our expectations can effect our health, happiness and productivity.

Students discussed some of the issues raised Robson’s book, looking at the language we use to talk about expectations. They also talked about the expectations placed on them by family, friends and society as well as exploring the expectations that they place on themselves in their personal and professional lives. I’ve listed some of the vocabulary elicited from our conversations below.

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Talking about taking risks in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about taking risks in English.

How often do you step out of your comfort zone, embrace the unknown and take a risk? I’m usually a little bit risk averse, preferring to play it safe and avoid stepping into the unknown. Today we’re going to take a look at the vocabulary and expressions that we can use for talking about risk taking in English.

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Talking about nosiness in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about nosiness in English

Have you ever felt like someone was poking their nose into your business? Or perhaps you've been accused of being a nosy neighbour? Nosiness, the act of being overly curious or intrusive into others' affairs, is a common social phenomenon. Whether it's a busybody in your community or a colleague at work, dealing with nosy individuals can be challenging. Let’s look at ways of talking about nosiness in English.

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Talking about disappointment in English as a second language.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about disappointment in English as a second language.

In a speaking lesson this week, my student and I looked at an article in which the writer described experiencing a crushing disappointment. It’s a universal feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it’s not getting the job we interviewed for, failing an exam or simply being let down by a friend at the last minute, the sense of disappointment can leave us feeling a bit deflated, at best.

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Talking about mindset when learning English as a second  language
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about mindset when learning English as a second language

Embrace a growth mindset - One of the fundamental principles of successful language learning is having a growth mindset. Instead of viewing language proficiency as a fixed trait, people with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through determination, dedication, commitment and curiosity.

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Talking about partying in English for ESL students.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about partying in English for ESL students.

It’s December and supposedly ‘party season’ when your social calendar should be packed full of festive fun, so today I’ve got a variety of English phrases and expressions for talking about parties; Summer parties, Christmas parties, kids’ parties, all parties! You can use these English phrases all year ‘round.

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Talking about time in English - Essential Phrases for EFL Students.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about time in English - Essential Phrases for EFL Students.

Time is a universal concept, and mastering the vocabulary associated with it is crucial for effective communication in any language. For English students, understanding expressions related to time can greatly enhance your ability to express yourself in various situations. In this blog post, we'll explore and explain some common time-related phrases that you're likely to encounter in everyday conversations.

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Talking About Procrastination in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking About Procrastination in English

Whether it's putting off a daunting work assignment, delaying a household chore, or postponing a personal project, we've all been guilty of procrastinating at some point. In this blog post, we will explore five expressions that capture the essence of procrastination, shedding light on the different ways we choose to delay tasks.

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Ways to talk about work-life balance in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to talk about work-life balance in English

Work-life balance is a subject my students and I often talk about in their English conversation classes and while we may not have come up with a magic answer for achieving it in our lives , we have come up with some good ways to talk about the topic in English. The following expressions, idioms and vocabulary will equip you with some of the language needed to discuss work-life balance.

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Talking about the great British Summer in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about the great British Summer in English.

Today, I want to look at a topic that holds a special place in the hearts of many Britons: the notorious British Summer weather! While England is known for its picturesque landscapes and historic charm, the weather can often be quite unpredictable and, well, a tad miserable. So, let's explore some key vocabulary and expressions related to the less-than-ideal weather you might encounter during your time in the United Kingdom.

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Ways to talk about fear in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to talk about fear in English

In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of ways to talk about all sorts of fears in English. Whether you are afraid of speaking English in an interview or you have a phobia of spiders, there are a whole variety of terms that you can use to express your fear.

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What is a cliché?
Jo Asker Jo Asker

What is a cliché?

A cliché, in simple terms, is a phrase or expression that has been used so frequently that it has lost some of its original impact. These phrases have become so ingrained in our language that they often evoke a sense of familiarity. While some may view clichés as overused and lacking creativity, they still hold a special place in our communication toolbox.

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Talking about books and reading in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about books and reading in English.

Are you a bibliophile, a bookworm or an avid reader?

Whether you’re talking about your favourite piece of literature in your IELTs speaking test or just recommending a novel to a friend, this article aims to provide you with some of the vocabulary and expressions that will come in useful for talking about reading and books in English.

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Talking about conspiracy theories in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about conspiracy theories in English.

Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, but they have gained more attention in recent years, especially with the rise of social media. These theories can range from harmless and humorous to harmful and dangerous. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary and language associated with conspiracy theories.

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Talking about anxiety in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about anxiety in English

In this post I’ve got 5 expressions for talking about anxiety in English plus a podcast, short video and link to article about coping with anxiety.

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