Ways to say you’re sure about something in English.

Mastering English isn't just about grammar rules and vocabulary; it's also about learning how to use the nuances of expression. Today we’re going to look at how we can convey certainty about something in English. Whether you're engaging in a debate, expressing your opinion, or simply affirming a fact, being able to express confidence in English can significantly enhance your communication skills.

Have you ever been in a situation where somebody questions or doubts something you’ve said? Watch the video below for some ways to respond. Then read on for more expressions and phrases that you can you to express your certainty about something.


I'm absolutely certain: This phrase leaves no room for doubt. It emphasizes a strong conviction in your statement.

Example: I'm absolutely certain that I left my keys on the kitchen counter.

I'm positive: Similar to "I'm absolutely certain," this expression conveys a high level of confidence. It indicates that you are firmly convinced of something.

Example: I'm positive that we met before at the conference last year.


I'm convinced: This phrase implies that you have considered the matter thoroughly and have reached a confident conclusion.

Example: Based on the evidence presented, I'm convinced that climate change is a pressing issue.


I have no doubt: This expression suggests unwavering certainty. It signifies complete confidence in your belief or statement.

Example: After double-checking the calculations, I have no doubt that the answer is correct.


I'm sure as I can be: This phrase acknowledges the possibility of uncertainty but asserts confidence to the fullest extent possible.

Example: I'm sure as I can be that the restaurant closes at 9 p.m. on Sundays.


Without a shadow of a doubt: This expression emphasizes absolute certainty and implies that there is no room for questioning or hesitation.

Example: After years of research, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that exercise improves mental health.


There's no question about it: This phrase asserts certainty while also implying that the matter is indisputable. Example:

Example: There's no question about it; she's the most qualified candidate for the job.

I'd bet my life on it: This dramatic expression emphasizes absolute confidence, often used when you are extremely sure about something. For instance:

Example: I'd bet my life on it that the meeting will be postponed until next week.


I'm completely confident: This phrase communicates a high level of assurance in your statement or belief.

Example: Having reviewed the project thoroughly, I'm completely confident in its success.


In more informal situations you could also use the slang expressions

Yeah honestly! 100%

For real!

Straight up!


Using these expressions in your English conversations will not only help you convey certainty effectively but also demonstrate your proficiency and confidence in the language. Practice incorporating them into your daily interactions to strengthen your language skills and communicate with greater clarity and conviction.


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