Talking about anxiety in English

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the uncomfortable feeling we experience when we are worried, nervous or afraid about something that is happening or something that might happen in the future. It’s very unpleasant, but most people experience it at some point in their lives.

In this post I’m going to share 5 expressions for talking about anxiety in English plus a podcast, short video and link to article about coping with anxiety.

5 Expressions for talking about anxiety in English

ways to talk about anxiety in English

To shake like a leaf

Anxiety can manifest itself through physical symptoms. We might get sweaty hands, or stomach pain. Sometimes we might tremble or shake life a leaf.

To be tense and wound up

Another way you may experience anxiety physically is through body tension, chest pain or breathing difficulties. Some people get so tense and wound up that they suffer panic attacks. In the podcast below Gus talks about his experience of anxiety and panic attacks.

Everything is getting on top of me

When everything gets on top of you, it means that you feel like you have a lot of problems or too much to do and feel unable to cope.

To feel completely overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed goes hand in hand with everything getting on top of you. Modern life can be quite overwhelming as we have to juggle so many responsibilities.

To stress out

We stress out about things that we feel we have little or no control over. My students get particularly stressed out during the period leading up to English exams.


In this short video from uk mental health charity Mind, Lewis, Polly, Faisal, Shelley and Brian talk about what it's like to living and coping with anxiety problems.


In this Podcast from UK mental health charity Mind, you can listen to Gus talking DJ Matt Wilkinson about his experience of anxiety and panic attacks. If you’d like a copy of the transcript then you can find one here


What You Can Do to Cope With Anxiety

In this article from the VeryWellMind you can find out more about coping with anxiety and looking after yourself.


Disclaimer: The contents of this site are for educational purposes only. Nothing found on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Always seek the advice of a doctor or mental health expert if you have concerns about your wellbeing.


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